



Here's a story I recently did for my Feature Writing class. I think I like it.


random act of free coffee

At Starbucks today (on campus corner) I decided to go with a grande coffee because I'm utterly broke. Pulled out my pathetic little coin purse and walk up to order.

The barista serving me is short and petite with smooth blond pigtails under her standard issue, backwards black Starbucks cap. I'm not sure how she pulled it off, but the pigtails weren't child like.

She's pouring my freshly brewed Gold Coast (still haven't decided if I like it) while I'm counting coins, trying to predict my final cost while I wait for my warm cup of energy. I hear a tiny, barely-there, "hey!"

Again, "hey!" A strained whisper.

I must not have thought it was for me, because I didn't notice it the first couple of times. But when I looked up to see it was the pigtail barista heying me, I suddenly found my memory, crystal clear, of hearing the pesky sound for the past moments.

She looked at me with pure panic.

"I'm going to give you this, but you have to walk away...fast," she breathes, glancing at the stock closet, where I'm guessing her rule-abiding manager was waiting.

Um... kay. I think. Sweet.

"Just take it, and walk away fast, you don't have to pay..." she slides it to me... "go, go, go!"

You would've thought we were in an episode of Lost, fleeing oncoming others from the eerily rustling bush. I was waiting for hooded ninjas or dudes with snipers to pop out from behind the cappuccino machine.

So I took it. Niiiice.

I navigate the "prep" table, adding lots of half and half and three Splendas (I don't think two's going to do it, I still have no idea how this "Gold Coast" tastes and I'd rather play it safe). I pass her on my way back to my seat, and she tosses me double peace signs.

I'm not sure if she liked me or maybe felt pity for my pathetic little coin purse. Or maybe she just was planning a random act of kindness that day. No matter, I like free coffee. So I smile back.


virtual fast?

So, yesterday, in my morning rush, I forgot to bring my phone to campus. The panic I felt right when I noticed it wasn't in my bag was a little worrisome. I feel naked without it. How bad is that?

My whole day, I felt more present. In class, I payed attention. I was completely there. I couldn't check my email, my facebook, browse the internet, text message, check the weather, make a to do list.... nothing. And I think in my brief time being completely focused in the here and now, I was actually more productive. By not being able to do a thousand things at once, I actually got more done. Insanity.

Of course, I never knew what time it was, and I had trouble making some necessary phone calls. (Imagine that, using your phone to CALL someone...)

I guess it's not the most original realization, but damn.