
virtual fast?

So, yesterday, in my morning rush, I forgot to bring my phone to campus. The panic I felt right when I noticed it wasn't in my bag was a little worrisome. I feel naked without it. How bad is that?

My whole day, I felt more present. In class, I payed attention. I was completely there. I couldn't check my email, my facebook, browse the internet, text message, check the weather, make a to do list.... nothing. And I think in my brief time being completely focused in the here and now, I was actually more productive. By not being able to do a thousand things at once, I actually got more done. Insanity.

Of course, I never knew what time it was, and I had trouble making some necessary phone calls. (Imagine that, using your phone to CALL someone...)

I guess it's not the most original realization, but damn.

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