
I've been a bad blogger.

But I haven't really had anything all too interesting to blog about. But for sheer lack of quantity, I will stoop to the what's-going-on-with-me post... not always the most riveting.

I've been back at home with Dad, mooching off free rent and groceries, for a week now, continuing the job search. I have an interview Tuesday that I'm excited about... and hoping not to jinx. (!)

I have some friends that will hate me for this, but I'm about Olympic-ed out. It's getting a little redundant. Although, in true hypocritical fashion, watching Phelps win his 8th gold was pretty amazing.

[Sidenote: amazing is by far my most overused adjective. I need something new.]

I'm listening to Vampire Weekend a lot lately. It's good for car dancing.

I'm digressing. Thus, the end of my what's-going-on-with-me post.

Ta da!

oh, P.S. I'm coming to Norman this weekend! woot!


Norman visit

I'm reconnected! Finally.

Here are a few of the first of photos taken since the loss... the beginning of the rebuilding of my entire library. sad.

Somewhere between Reading and Allentown, Pa., on my drive to Apple. This is most of what scenic Pa. farmland looks like. Lots of corn, Amish, cows and silos.

Then there was a fire. The view from Zach's apartment.

How we've been spending a lot of our time: x box. woot.

This week has been so relaxing, I'm loving it. Back to Tejas soon for some more job hunting.