
blog lull

Good story! After two trips to the Apple store in Allentown, (an hour drive from Reading), I am informed that my hard drive is indeed dead, and I'll need to replace it.

I find and buy a drive, search around town to find the crazy torx screwdriver I need, find that, and I'm good as new! Or so I think.

I drive back to Allentown (time #3 now) with new drive installed, all excited, and they tell me it's a dud. No bueno. No good reason either - it just is a bad drive, and I need to return it.

So I said eff this crap, I'm just going to return the drive and wait until I get to Norman to deal with another Apple store trip.

Cool, huh?

In other news, tomorrow is my last day at the Reading Eagle. Saturday morning I'll begin my drive back to Oklahoma. woohoo! I'm really excited to see some familiar places in a familiar place. So, if you'll be in Norman next week hit me up! And, if you'll be in or near Dallas after that hit me up too!

Hopefully it won't be too horribly long till I'm back online, and not secretly blogging at work.

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