
good day

If you're an avid reader, you know about how at work, they tell me if I'm leaving late, to get a security escort out to my car. (creepy).

Today I went to work to finish up a story for tomorrow, and it was completely dead, there was barely anyone there compared to weekdays. I left about 6:30, and I was going to walk up a couple blocks to drop off some mail at the post office downtown before heading to my car. So, about a block up, I cross the street and meet this security guard that is walking on the other side of the road. He all the sudden tells me that he's with the Eagle, and wasn't sure if I needed an escort but was following me anyway. He asks if I'm headed to my car. haha. So, he laughed, but walked me to the post office and then backtracked with me to my car.

He was a really nice man, he talked to me about how he was born and raised in Reading, and this was his first week on the job. Last year he was mugged walking home late one night by a large group of guys and girls, but all they took was the roasted chicken lunch his wife sent with him in a brown paper bag. Lucky him! Apparently it changed his life, and now he's much more aware. He says they're supposed to walk people out to their car even in the daytime, if they want. But even if people say no thanks, he just keeps a half a block behind them, just to be safe. We talked about the crime in Reading and how he has a daughter who is also 22 and named Lauren. Small world. He watched me get in my car and drive away, only after asking if I had called my dad today. (I did).

Something about him just really brightened my day, and made me want to be more optimistic about life.

I also went on a really nice walk today. Sidebar.


J Stu said...

and then i found five dollars.

Michael Mitra said...

Hahaha John's comments made my laugh out loud. What an uplifting story haha

kelsey witten said...

Don't worry, Hopkins. I thought it was a good story.