tell them to call me!
hoooooolidays have begun
Thanksgiving - check.
Big 12 Championship for the Sooners - check!
Wonderful things have happened since my last post. The Sooners have made it to Kansas City after a dramatic three-way tie ordeal. BEAUTIFUL! Kind of wish I could be there.
Thanksgiving was scrumptious and my gingerbread men went over well. Got to spend some great time with good friends this weekend. :) all is well.
All my working at Starbucks has slowed me down on the job hunt, so I'll have to make a stronger effort there. Applied for a couple of jobs in the OKC area... and I found a reporting job in Georgetown, Texas that I plan to apply for. Yay productivity!
Cross your fingers for me. I'm ready to move.
I love, love, love Cary Tennis. I'd love to write an advice column but I feel like it's too pretentious to assume I can give good advice. And then publish it.
Today's mail made me laugh.
I received a survey from OU, being conducted by The University of Georgia about the job market for journalism grads. Are you seeing the humor yet?
Every autumn we contact a sample of students who, the previous spring, completed their journalism/communication degree from universities around the country. We want to know if graduates were able to find employment (Um, no) after they left college and to learn about the types of work found (So far, The Daily Ardmoreite for $9.50 aaaaaand Starbucks). We want to know what strategies worked (I'd like to know too! If you could send me the responses from the successful grads, that'd be super). We also want to learn about salary and benefits received (Hahahaha).
Oh man. That made my day. But seriously, hopefully my sad answers will help future journalist wannabes. Or at least send them running for the hills.
In other news, I want to start a blog. I realize, this sounds silly to announce.... on my blog. But you know, this is my 'personal' blog. About three people read it. (maybe?) I need a blog with a point, with a topic and an angle, something that is interesting to other people, something I'm interested in and will work well as a self-marketing, journalism-career-building tool. Something I could become an expert in. Something I could actually write about and report about. Something I could write about for a long time. Something someone might actually read.
So, any good ideas?
Thus far, I have:
A baking blog. Kind of like, for fun, beginner, 20-something bakers who entertain their cool friends. Easy shortcuts, cheap solutions, super easy do-it-yourself stuff. Maybe this could branch out to food/wine, or everyday crafty stuff? (I have a weird thing for stationery).
Cheap entertainment blog. This would have to be regional. How to eat, shop and have fun cheaply. (You know, since I'm still young and broke.) Where to find this and that, creative free stuff. I feel kind of meh about this idea.
I think it might be cool to do a "process" blog. To set out on a personal experiment and document the process with the blog. Could be interesting with the right idea. The right idea that I don't have yet.
a case of the Mondays
I feel lost and restless and I really don't know what I want.
What should I do? What jobs should I be looking for? Where should I live? What am I working toward? What do I want? What are my goals? What am I doing?
I don't know! That's the answer to every question - I don't know. I don't like living at home, although it doesn't suck. It's cushy and it's free, and of all parents to live with, my dad is probably the best. But I'm not on my own, and I still feel dependent. Should I move?
Should I try to get a newspaper job? It seems like it's not a good industry to get into at the moment. Everywhere I look people are getting laid off. If they're not getting laid off, they're underpaid in crappy towns. But it's something. It's what I know how to do. It's something to do. I don't want it enough to get paid $10 in Nowhere, Okla.
Should I try to get a job in PR? I don't know much about PR. Should I try to learn?
Should I just start freelancing? What's my story? What do I want to write about? Who should I pitch to?
Where do I want to be in five years? Hell if I know. I don't even know what I'm doing this weekend.
Should I move back 'home' (or the closest thing I can call home) to figure it all out? Where I can live independently and be around the people I love? Where it might be easier to make new friends, or remind me of all my college education and maybe, in some abstract way, motivate me to use it? Or is that just me being restless and wanting to do something? Is that just using where I live as a crutch? Going backward?
I just don't know. Someone asked me how the "great unknown" is treating me. It kind of sucks.
Am I just whining? Probably.
ooh, starbucks.
Work was funny today.
1) I was steaming milk, and I decided I was done apparently, so I removed the milk from the steamer before it had finished, and thus, steamed milk ALL over me and my entire vicinity. It was pretty funny, and thankfully, not painful.
2) The two other baristas I was working with were cracking me up so much, that at one point I had a complete laugh-attack. I could not stop cracking up - I couldn't even help customers. Whatever I was laughing at wasn't even funny enough to retell, but for whatever reason, I could not stop giggling. It felt really good actually.
AND! I've finally discovered how to use my dad's all-in-one printer/faxer/scanner on my computer. Some scanning fun below!
Some retro photos I found:
Zach and Lauren, Europe trip... summer 200....5?
This one was a gift from Jes Brown from my Sooner yearbook days. Her nice little note was on the back:
I want
a puppy
a job I like that is meaningful, challenging and satisfying
to find fun exercise that doesn't include running or a gym
to bake
to laugh more
to write a column/blog
to find a good idea for a column/blog
great friends
my own place
to never make apologies for myself
to have a really great shoe collection
to learn
to stop worrying so much
to be a really good parent (in the far, far future)
to go somewhere!
to be surprised
to surprise someone
to use my degree
to know successful and positive people
to be inspired
I'm alive.
As if anyone reads this? Oh well.
I decided I don't want to apply for jobs anymore. I'm really sick of great interviews that end in rejection letters. I feel like the job search and I aren't getting along very well. It's been treating me real bad, and I'm starting to get bitter. I think I me and the job search need a little space before we start resenting each other and I give up on the idea of looking for a job at all. We obviously want different things, and are heading in different directions. I'd like to save whatever possibility of a career that we may have. It's better this way.
A little humor for you, as a reward for reading my blog. Ha, joke's on you.
I hate to say this, because it's horribly negative (theme?) but, what's with everyone always saying, "everything will be alright." Don't worry, you don't have a job? Everything will work out. Don't worry, it didn't work out? Everything will be okay in the end. Hey, don't worry about it! Hey, it's all going to be okay.
But, for many people in the world, it doesn't all work out. I realize it's not the right way to approach life, but there are tons of horrible decisions out there just waiting to be made that do matter. Am I wrong?
No pressure though.
I've been a bad blogger.
But I haven't really had anything all too interesting to blog about. But for sheer lack of quantity, I will stoop to the what's-going-on-with-me post... not always the most riveting.
I've been back at home with Dad, mooching off free rent and groceries, for a week now, continuing the job search. I have an interview Tuesday that I'm excited about... and hoping not to jinx. (!)
I have some friends that will hate me for this, but I'm about Olympic-ed out. It's getting a little redundant. Although, in true hypocritical fashion, watching Phelps win his 8th gold was pretty amazing.
[Sidenote: amazing is by far my most overused adjective. I need something new.]
I'm listening to Vampire Weekend a lot lately. It's good for car dancing.
I'm digressing. Thus, the end of my what's-going-on-with-me post.
Ta da!
oh, P.S. I'm coming to Norman this weekend! woot!
Norman visit
I'm reconnected! Finally.
Here are a few of the first of photos taken since the loss... the beginning of the rebuilding of my entire library. sad.
Somewhere between Reading and Allentown, Pa., on my drive to Apple. This is most of what scenic Pa. farmland looks like. Lots of corn, Amish, cows and silos.
Then there was a fire. The view from Zach's apartment.
How we've been spending a lot of our time: x box. woot.
This week has been so relaxing, I'm loving it. Back to Tejas soon for some more job hunting.
blog lull
Good story! After two trips to the Apple store in Allentown, (an hour drive from Reading), I am informed that my hard drive is indeed dead, and I'll need to replace it.
I find and buy a drive, search around town to find the crazy torx screwdriver I need, find that, and I'm good as new! Or so I think.
I drive back to Allentown (time #3 now) with new drive installed, all excited, and they tell me it's a dud. No bueno. No good reason either - it just is a bad drive, and I need to return it.
So I said eff this crap, I'm just going to return the drive and wait until I get to Norman to deal with another Apple store trip.
Cool, huh?
In other news, tomorrow is my last day at the Reading Eagle. Saturday morning I'll begin my drive back to Oklahoma. woohoo! I'm really excited to see some familiar places in a familiar place. So, if you'll be in Norman next week hit me up! And, if you'll be in or near Dallas after that hit me up too!
Hopefully it won't be too horribly long till I'm back online, and not secretly blogging at work.
RIP MacBook
My precious MacBook has died.
Thus, the lack of posts of late. Well, that's at least partially to blame. I was finally sitting down to blog, and it completely froze. I shut it down, and ever since, all it does when attempting to start up is show me a mean, blinking file folder icon with a blinking question mark on a blue screen.
I'm fairly certain my hard drive is gonzo.
I have an appointment with Apple tomorrow, so they can tell me exactly how much money I'll have to pay (that I don't have) to fix it.
I really need an external hard drive.
nompton pride
Take a look at this! Impressive! Numero 6 out of 100. I'm a little proud, I must admit. As much as I thought I never would, two months out and I miss the place.
And they lead with Cafe Plaid! Freakin' perfect!
So, I read on and find number 15 on the list. Talk about some hometown pride! I'm starting to wonder who judged this.
Many other Dallas suburbs made the list too; Frisco, Richardson, Allen, McKinney, Lewisville, Garland. But I still think Norman in the top 10 is impressive.
clearwater beach
Here are some long overdue Florida photos from my vacation. (Many more can be found on my flickr if you're interested at all.) I camped out on a boogie board at the water line to shoot the skim boarders, and got a monster sunburn. Like, second degree burn, thought-about-going-to-the-hospital burn. It was rough. I was seriously committed.
take my poll!
Photos to come as soon as I can get over my frustration with the blogger post editor.
reporting etiquette
Just to preface, there's a little bit of journalism ranting ahead.
I think I'm a relatively trusting person. Sometimes I'll leave my car unlocked if I'm running to the curb to return movies or running in my house to grab something. I generally will talk to people in public.
Today I was out reporting at local grocery stores, working on a story about "grocery line etiquette" - the dos and don'ts in the checkout line and in the aisle. A fun little story, nothing serious.
I walked up to a lady and very politely told her, after apologizing for interrupting her shopping, that I was a reporter with The Reading Eagle, that I was talking to customers today - and explained my story. Would she have a few extra moments to answer some questions? She proceeds to hesitantly answer my questions, and asks if we can walk and talk. Sure, I say.
So, she's nice, answers my questions, gives me some pretty good quotes actually, "self checkout is a beauty" "I really like to get in and get out as quickly as possible" "sometimes people just aren't very considerate of those around them - stopping and blocking the whole aisle" before I ask for her name. She tells me her first name, Bernice, and then says, "you can just call me Bernice B." I pause, and in the most polite way possible, tell her that unfortunately, I can't use anything we talked about unless I can publish her whole name.
She then insists to see some ID. Really? I can count on my hand the number of times I've been asked for a press pass and they've either been when I was A) holding a camera in my hand or B) asking for much more consequential information than "do you prefer paper or plastic?"
Of course, with my luck, I don't have my press pass on me, so I lose the whole interview.
Here's my question: Who else COULD I have been? What kind of criminal would pose as a reporter asking about your shopping habits? Who would make that up, and furthermore, for what purpose? I'm wearing a gray cotton skirt from the Gap and ballet flats. I'm not exactly intimidating.
Also, if a reporter identifies herself and proceeds to WRITE DOWN what you say - it's a safe bet you're being quoted. I guess I just thought this was assumed.
My other issue is that people like this women are probably the same ones who call newspapers untrustworthy and not credible. I guarantee if she had read that story with "Anonymous shopper" quoted, she'd have some criticism for the validity of The Reading Eagle.
I didn't understand that at all. Maybe I'm just too trusting.
a tip
To the public, or at least the small public who reads my blog:
Don't call a newspaper with really stupid questions. I'm talking about like, really stupid. Whoever you are talking with in editorial will, 99 percent of the time, hang up and make fun of you to the rest of the staff.
[Better quality blogging to come, I promise. Photos are almost all edited.]
And the word of the day is...
harbinger \HAR-bin-juhr\, noun:
1. (Archaic) One who provides lodgings; especially, the officer of the English royal household who formerly preceded the court when traveling, to provide and prepare lodgings.
2. A forerunner; a precursor; one that presages or foreshadows what is to come.
3. To signal the approach of; to presage; to be a harbinger of.
Comets have been mistakenly interpreted by humans in times past as harbingers of doom, foretelling famine, plague, and destruction. - Walter Alvarez, T. Rex and the Crater of Doom
More than the steamboat, more than anything else, the railroads were the harbinger of the future, and the future was the Industrial Revolution. - Stephen E. Ambrose, Nothing Like It In the World
The airy draughts felt to him like the undoing of everything, the unfastening of ties, a harbinger of chaos. - Pauline Melville, The Ventriloquist's Tale
Harbinger, which originally signified a person sent ahead to arrange lodgings, derives from Middle English herbergeour, "one who supplies lodgings," from Old French herbergeor, from herbergier, "to provide lodging for," from herberge, "a lodging, an inn" (cp. modern French auberge), ultimately of Germanic origin.
good day
If you're an avid reader, you know about how at work, they tell me if I'm leaving late, to get a security escort out to my car. (creepy).
Today I went to work to finish up a story for tomorrow, and it was completely dead, there was barely anyone there compared to weekdays. I left about 6:30, and I was going to walk up a couple blocks to drop off some mail at the post office downtown before heading to my car. So, about a block up, I cross the street and meet this security guard that is walking on the other side of the road. He all the sudden tells me that he's with the Eagle, and wasn't sure if I needed an escort but was following me anyway. He asks if I'm headed to my car. haha. So, he laughed, but walked me to the post office and then backtracked with me to my car.
He was a really nice man, he talked to me about how he was born and raised in Reading, and this was his first week on the job. Last year he was mugged walking home late one night by a large group of guys and girls, but all they took was the roasted chicken lunch his wife sent with him in a brown paper bag. Lucky him! Apparently it changed his life, and now he's much more aware. He says they're supposed to walk people out to their car even in the daytime, if they want. But even if people say no thanks, he just keeps a half a block behind them, just to be safe. We talked about the crime in Reading and how he has a daughter who is also 22 and named Lauren. Small world. He watched me get in my car and drive away, only after asking if I had called my dad today. (I did).
Something about him just really brightened my day, and made me want to be more optimistic about life.
I also went on a really nice walk today. Sidebar.
currently reading and listening to...
Good so far, I'm quickly getting hooked. Anyone else read it?
Death Cab for Cutie, Narrow Stairs
I wasn't sure at first, but it's growing on me really fast. Tracks to try:
I will possess your heart (album version)
Cath... (album version)
You can do better than me (album version)
quarter life crises, anyone?
I like my internship, but my only complaint is that it's a little slow moving. It kind of seems like things here just move slower. Deadlines are all a week before a run date, and the desk only produces one piece of original content per day. Maybe two, but rarely. Pretty much everything else is wire, or a quick hit Q&A or something.
Combine that with about five or six lifestyle reporters (a combination of part time, full time and me), and there's really just not that much to do. Yesterday I asked to do a couple more stories, and those have to be fit into the budget for a couple weeks out. So, speed wise, I've pretty much maxed out. But that's okay, because it gives me good reason to take my time and make every story stellar.
So imagine my excitement when yesterday, a weekend editor came up and pitched a story for "someone" to do with a quick turn around - like, three days. I jumped on it. They looked at me like there was no way I could do it - "Are you sure?" they asked. Heck yes, I'm sure. It's community theatre, there's a press release with a phone number already on it. They only need 15 inches, maximum. Psh.
So, I'm out to prove to them that a good feature can be done in a couple of days. My first story ran today, but I didn't really like it. I'm not sure what else I could have done with it though. Hm.
I'm starting to see myself doing more than just writing in my future. I think I'm starting to realize that it's not enough for me. I really like it, but I don't love it so much that I'd be willing to write stories and stories for years and years until I can get into an editing role, which I think is ultimately where I want to be.
When I think back on my experience and what I liked to do most, it was definitely management. I liked being responsible for lots of things at once, coordinating different aspects of a project and getting to use different skills every day.
With that in mind, I found a great PR job in Tulsa that I really want. Weird, huh? It's a risky move, but I figure, if I really wanted to get back into reporting sometime down the road, it would have to be because I was just so passionate about it that I wouldn't mind taking a pay cut or relocating. And if it was possible for me to feel that passionate in the future, wouldn't I already feel that way about it?
But maybe it's not the writing I'm tired of, maybe it's just the 9-5, "adult" environment. Maybe I'm just not challenging myself enough. Maybe it's just because it's not the right job. But how long would I have to work as a reporter to get the "right" job? It could be a while.
I honestly don't know the answer to these questions. I think a lot of my colleagues of the same age and time in life are feeling the same way. How do you really figure out what you want to do without taking too much time to soul search? I know it's better to do something rather than nothing while you figure it out, and even the bad experiences are meaningful, but how do you avoid a decision that might take you down a path that is difficult to back track?
Seriously, anyone have any advice?
fear in the form of anger
This is amazing.
I think it's ridiculous that so many people give the reason: "How will I explain it to my kids that two women are kissing?"
Really? That's your biggest concern?
I don't know about everybody else, but I fully intend on teaching my children about other sexual orientations than just heterosexuality... is that so wrong? Furthermore, it doesn't even matter what you think is wrong or right, it's just a reality. Why wouldn't you want your kids to know? By not educating them, you're only teaching them that it's wrong or shameful.
life, careers, decisions
Last night was a thoughtful one, full of perspective. This whole transitional time is awfully important, and the pressure of the important decisions is weighing on me a little.
But, I came to some good conclusions. Everything is a learning experience, sometimes especially the bad experiences. Jobs aren't permanent, so it's better to do something than spend time soul searching. And most of all, keep your eye on the goal, know what you're working toward and realize your first job isn't your dream job.
Kelsey and I were spending some quality time complaining together about the draining environment of the 9-5 "adult" working world, and this post made me feel a little better. This blog has become a recent bookmark of mine. I found it once on accident and keep going back to it - it's got some good advice.
Zach and I spent Sunday in Philly before he flew out Monday morning. It was a good time, we did the tourist thing for a couple hours before being bums in our super nice hotel room.
Prepare yourself for LOTS of photos...